Mariona Villanueva
Barcelona, 1997. Interdisciplinary researcher, artist and poet.

Her academic and literary project explores visual metaphors in the creation of imaginaries linked to the notion of the limit and connected to the experience of collective or personal trauma. She has a background in Global Studies and is a specialist in tracing the contemporary dialogues between Literature, Art and Thought, relevant to the investigation of representations of multiculturalism, the fluidity of identities and marginal subjetivities.

Her artistic and poetic practice is strongly influenced by psychoanalysis. Words, the body, the look of the other and the self appear as the pillars of her discourse, which dives into the complexity of subjective borders focusing on feminity, motherhood and nature and addressing the construction and destruction of sense in grieving and healing processes. She has a profound interest in the synergies between art and therapy and her works present an ethereal aesthetic quality, deeply suggestive, delicate and poignant.